Labels:crt screen | monitor | plant | web site OCR: Chat (account: aql) nkour lag goedson tadoca nkour lag doing something else plyaing AGE3 [15:38:10] nkour lag hi Yann Where will you pass your holidays? [1538 :44] Asterix: Hi nikos go to Poitiers, and you [15:39 :06] nkour lag in Athens and no snow for this year [15:39 9:25] Asterix: you know really like avatars ir roster window [15:39 47 nkour lag yeah they rock!! enjoy the emoticon selector in 0.9 too [15:40:00] nkour lag Did you hear that Guido working for Google now? cood news for python http :/ [15:40:27] Asterix: you can have the full chanaeloa here: http://trac gajim.ora browser/trunk/Changelog [15:40:35] nkour lag hhehe thanks Actions Send lagl qaim